Import From Existing Tree

The importer has been deprecated, as this tool outdated and is no longer supported. Read more about the updates

Global Move

Any focuses which are below 0 on the axis you are moving along, will be set to 0

Axis to move along:

Amount to move

Multi Move

Any focuses which are below 0 on the axis you are moving along, will be set to 0

The focuses listed below will be moved

Axis to move along:

Amount to move

Add Focus

Previously uploaded images will show at bottom of GFX list - resized for focus dimensions

Custom focus GFX needs to be in a PNG format with a recommended Width: 95px Height: 85px

GFX system has been re-worked, please re-upload custom GFX to ensure files export correctly



Mutually Exclusive


AI Will Do Factor

Time to Complete

Location - X|Y


Complete Tooltip


Reward filter

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Focus Chooser

The king's speech

Our kings has died and his son Edward the Viii. Has taken the rains of the country and has made his response speech to his fathers death.
{"focus_relative_position":null,"external_id":null,"focus_ai_will_do_factor":"1","focus_time_to_complete":"10","focus_x":"0","focus_y":"0","focus_bypass":null,"focus_available":null,"focus_reward":"add_stability = 5.05","focus_prerequisite":null,"focus_mutually_exclusive":null,"focus_complete_tooltip":null,"filter":null}

The homecoming plan

With the filthy Syndicalist in control of Britain we now must figure out a way to regain control. Its time we start drawing up a plan.

The imperial navy assessment plan

For years the navy has been slowly growing outdated. Admiral Andrew Cunningham has proposed a offer to prepare the fleet for the homecoming.

Unify the Atlantic fleet

For long has the Atlantic fleet been split apart into multiple weaker fleets. If we consolidate our fleets we can make a frontal assault against the UOB's navy
{"focus_relative_position":null,"external_id":null,"focus_ai_will_do_factor":"1","focus_time_to_complete":"10","focus_x":"35","focus_y":"1","focus_bypass":null,"focus_available":null,"focus_reward":"activate_mission = some_mission_here","focus_prerequisite":"30856","focus_mutually_exclusive":null,"focus_complete_tooltip":null,"filter":null}