Import From Existing Tree

The importer has been deprecated, as this tool outdated and is no longer supported. Read more about the updates

Global Move

Any focuses which are below 0 on the axis you are moving along, will be set to 0

Axis to move along:

Amount to move

Multi Move

Any focuses which are below 0 on the axis you are moving along, will be set to 0

The focuses listed below will be moved

Axis to move along:

Amount to move

Add Focus

Previously uploaded images will show at bottom of GFX list - resized for focus dimensions

Custom focus GFX needs to be in a PNG format with a recommended Width: 95px Height: 85px

GFX system has been re-worked, please re-upload custom GFX to ensure files export correctly



Mutually Exclusive


AI Will Do Factor

Time to Complete

Location - X|Y


Complete Tooltip


Reward filter

Drag output here:
Choose Country
Choose State
Focus Chooser

James P Cannon Presidency
